How to Find 50 or More Acres of Land For Very Cheap


Perhaps you want to build a family home on some acreage, develop a place for lodging, have a farm, or have a getaway for outdoor activities. If any of these sound appealing, then it is probably because you would like to own land. It’s a goal that many people aspire to achieve.

Land is always going to be extremely valuable. It is a resource that can potentially benefit anyone who decides to invest in it. But it’s not always that easy. Being able to buy your own land is a luxury that not everyone can afford. Many people dream of owning their own land, but it can be a challenging journey that takes time. There are options for those who are having a hard time finding land in their price range. How does finding a lot of land for pretty cheap sound? Sounds like our type of deal. 

You may feel like if you can’t buy land now, will you ever be able to buy it in the future? Land prices can be steep. That is what we are here to discuss. Below we will go over some options and tips that could help you learn how to find land that is cheap enough for you to buy. Buying land can be overwhelming, but it is also an incredible opportunity. Whether you want to make a profit from your land or have a peaceful place, these options could be great for you to think about when you are starting your journey to owning your own land.

Tips to Think About Before You Buy Your Own Land

Before we go into how you can buy a lot of land for pretty cheap, we should just go over some things you should think about before you begin your search for land. 

First, think about what you want in your land. This could mean where you want your land to be geographically, what kind of topography you are looking for, and the amount of land you are willing to buy. Having these priorities can help you find what you are looking for a little faster and not to mention, easier. 

Another thing to consider is what you want to do on your land. Land has the potential to have a lot of different restrictions. Restrictions can mean zoning laws as well as county rules and regulations. It can also mean that the previous owners put restrictions on the land that last forever.  Knowing what the restrictions are on a piece of land can help you save yourself from a headache later on.

What do you need on your land? Water? Electricity? You should think about what utilities you want to have on your property. Knowing what to ask about before you purchase is important. Talk with utility companies and contractors in the area about what is available to you on your land and the process to hook up those utilities.

If you know any land owners or anyone who has been searching for land, talk to them about the process. It does not hurt to ask some questions and get advice from those who have been in your shoes before and came out successfully.

Places in the United States That Offer Land for Free

Now for a quick history lesson, we want to talk about The Homestead Act. The Homestead Act was put in place by Abraham Lincoln in 1862. With this act, land became basically free. Colonists were offered up to 160 acres of land as long as they lived and worked on the land for at least 5 years. Sounds pretty awesome, right? The Act is no longer in effect, but you can still get land for free.

Free land is being offered to people in farming communities, small towns, and cities. In hopes to boost their population and bring customers to their businesses, free land is available. This may not be up your alley, but it is always a great thing to look into if you are having trouble finding land in your price range. Or even if you are looking for a new adventure! 

What do we always say? Do your research. This applies to finding free land as well. You can simply start searching for “places that give away free land in the United States,” and go from there. You will find a lot of information that will help you learn more about acquiring this free land. You may be asked to build a house or do other jobs as repayment with your free land, so knowing the deal upfront would be a plus!

Most likely you will have to apply for the free land and put down a deposit. The deposit is usually refunded once you have an approved agreement. Once you have read over and have an understanding, sign the agreement and go have fun with your new, free land!

There are many places that are giving away free land right now. Start looking and you will find that cities in Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, and Colorado have some free options just for you!

Tax Auctions and Foreclosures

Since we are talking about finding a lot of land, say 50 acres or more, for pretty cheap then it would be great to mention tax auction and foreclosure opportunities. There are plenty of times when people got in over their heads with payments, or their plans changed after purchasing land. 

What is the difference between a tax auction and a foreclosure auction? A tax auction happens when the owner of the land stops paying property taxes on it. When this happens, the state offers the owner a period of time to pay what they owe. If the owner does not pay back what they owe, then the city or county will put the property up for auction in the hopes of breaking even on what was owed to them. A foreclosure means that the property owner took out a loan to pay off the property and decided not to pay the lender. The lender then puts the property up for auction. 

Now that you’ve got the gist, let’s talk about how you can find a lot of land for auction. You will not believe what we are about to say! It is all about the research. If you know the area you want to find land in, then start searching for foreclosure or tax auctions on land in that area. For example, type in something like, “Foreclosure auctions in North Carolina.” If you have narrowed it down to the city, then you can search for that as well to get better search results. Once you have pressed enter, you will not believe the amount of options for auctions on land you will find. There are a lot more than you think out there happening all the time. You will find online auctions as well as in person auctions. Find the ones you are interested in and start bidding.

Another way to find tax and foreclosure auctions is to pick up the local newspaper. Look at the real estate section and you will most likely see an advertisement. Along with that, ask around town as well. If you already know of some people who may have an idea on these types of things, then get in the know and ask them. 

Finding land at a tax or foreclosure auction could be your dream come true. There have been plenty of people who have successfully found the land of their dreams through this option. 

If you are feeling frustrated and want to buy land without having to write a check amount that you are uncomfortable with, then look into these options. You may end up being pretty successful!

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