Top 7 Examples of Living Off Grid

Top 7 Examples of Living Off Grid


As the population becomes more environmentally conscious and looks for ways to escape the hustle and bustle of the crowded city, the trend of off-grid living is on the upswing.

One of their best features is that off-grid dwellings are very customizable. Owners frequently personalize their homes not only in terms of energy requirements but also in terms of location because many of these homes are as much a work of passion as a place to live. To top it off, off-grid residents have access to a world of new possibilities in design and environment because they don’t rely on the conventional power grid and water sources.

That being said, moving off the grid isn’t a decision to be made lightly. It requires time, dedication, and money. So let’s explore what living off grid entails, the benefits, and the best examples.  

What Does Living Off the Grid Mean?

Living off the grid has many definitions and is often associated with moving to the countryside, leading a simpler life that uses fewer resources, and doing more to protect the environment through various endeavors. 

Many people living off grid source and manage their own water, electricity, sewage, and other utility services, so they are not dependent on the services the government provides and they can quickly bounce back in case of a natural disaster. In addition, they are also likely to grow their own food rather than buy it from stores or supermarkets.

Benefits of Living Off Grid

If you’re up to it, living off grid can have numerous benefits: 

  • Environmental advantages — Off-the-grid life is beneficial to the environment. You can get more in tune with your surroundings by leading this lifestyle.
  • A healthier way of living — Living off the grid entails returning to a simpler way of life. This involves using walking or cycling as your primary mode of transportation rather than a car.
  • Promotes cost efficiency — One of the more popular benefits of going off the grid is the cost-effectiveness you would attain by lowering the amount of resources being spent and creating these resources instead. For instance, you could use solar energy as a power source rather than buying electricity.
  • Fewer carbon emissions — Environmentalists who believe that having a smaller carbon footprint is vital often opt for an off-grid lifestyle that lessens the harm done to the environment.
  • Reduced tension and stress — Both physical and mental health will benefit from a healthier lifestyle and a greater connection to nature as people enjoy calmer lives when they decide to leave society and surround themselves with nature.

Top Examples of Living Off Grid

To help you get a better idea about how to live off the grid, here are the best examples you should consider: 

Tiny Houses

The trend of people buying or building homes usually smaller than the standard American living room is on the rise. Living in such a small place is undoubtedly tricky, but it is possible if you declutter most of your belongings and are open to finding fun outside of your home. A tiny house also has the advantage of being relatively simple to move into if you become bored of your neighbors.

Energy-Efficient House

Constructing a new off-grid house will benefit the environment and be a sustainable retreat for you. Work with a contractor specializing in creating small homes and other off-grid housing options. As an alternative, consider making your own off-grid home but be mindful of the time, work, effort, and money it will require.

Camper or RV

Living in a camper or an RV is feasible with some planning. Modern RVs and campers have everything you need to live sustainably and have all the amenities of a home, including kitchens, toilets, and bedrooms. And if you ever want to, you may take a drive to a new place or even travel the nation in an RV.

Cob Home

Although dung was a common component of cob houses in the past, the modern version is made out of clay, sand, straw, and water. This mixture is molded to produce sturdy, streamlined structures with rounded corners. Cob walls serve as a natural heat regulator. The interior remains cooler on warm days since the material essentially absorbs heat. When the sun sets and the temperature drops, it can store and release that heat. 

Cob is also surprisingly resilient. Rain and other precipitation shouldn’t be a concern to cob walls if they have a strong roof over them. Being extremely fire-resistant, a cob home is a wonderful option for construction in locations vulnerable to electrical storms or wildfires.

Container Home

The term “container home” refers to a building constructed from repurposed steel shipping containers that may have served as cargo trailers for trucks, trains, or ships. Container homes are regarded as environmentally beneficial because they are compact and multipurpose. They can also be substantially less expensive than a conventional home, even though they have special expenses like licenses and land ownership.

In addition, they are safe, simple to move around in, and have a simple shape. Since most of us are accustomed to square or rectangular dwellings, it’s not too difficult to modify the design for a smaller space. You may even stack several shipping containers to create a larger building if you want to go above and beyond.

Underground House

The fact that underground homes are partially, or occasionally completely, buried in the earth defines them. You’d be taking advantage of insulation that would keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. And since the home is underground and obscured from view, you get the utmost privacy and are less likely to have neighbors harass you. When constructed properly, it has minimal adverse environmental effects and looks lovely. Underground homes require minimum upkeep, provide a noise barrier, and protect you from severe weather. 


Living in a cabin resembles owning a tiny house but conjures up a more rustic ambiance. The cabin lifestyle is rooted in the pioneer dwellings of the 1800s and early 1900s. Given their location, cabins might be built using more locally sourced materials. They might also be more challenging to reach because they frequently reside in rural areas. Many people already live off-grid in cabins for the summer, but some continue to do so all year round.

Final Thoughts

Since well-designed and efficient buildings save time and resources for decades, a well-built home can significantly benefit the off-grid family. The key is to find suitable land for sale

The piece of land you purchase must provide the ideal setting for a home, raising your food, and storing clean water. The best off-grid land for sale is typically found in rural locations and is unrestricted. The good news is that both land costs and property taxes are typically lower in these places. Here at Discount Lots, we have many attractive plots of land that could be ideal for your off-grid journey, so don’t hesitate to contact us!

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