What Are the Different Kinds of Houses You Can Build on a Lot?

Houses Key

When searching for the perfect land to build on, you have to take into consideration the many types of houses there are. One reason to learn about the types of houses is for zoning purposes. Certain zoning laws will only allow for specific housing types. It is also helpful to have knowledge when it comes to types of houses because you can decide which one is best for you and your family!

With the popularity of tiny houses and other manufactured homes, you may decide to take them into consideration when you are starting the process of developing your lot. This article will focus on the different types of houses that you have probably heard of before: single-family, condos, townhomes, multi-family, tiny home, mobile home, and barndominiums.

Learning about different types of homes is always exciting. You can make any style of house your own and cater it to your desires. Adding a house to your property is something many people dream of, so let’s find out which one is right for you!

Zoning laws vary by county and property. Please make sure you understand the rules and regulations as well as get any necessary permits before you build or place a house on your lot. If you have specific questions, call the county, or reach out to us at Discount Lots.

Single Family Homes

You have probably heard of this type of house the most because it is definitely the most popular. Many people think of a single family detached residence when they think about the home they want on their land. Single family homes are not attached to any other home, they stand separate from any other homes or building around your property. When you think of the suburbs, you think of single family detached homes.

Most single-family houses are built on a lot that is bigger than the house itself, so that you can have a yard or other activity room around the home. Single family homes are most popular in North America, and it is most likely that a family live in this type of house. For example, a mother, father, son, and daughter would occupy a house like this.

Single Family Homes

Single Family Homes


A condominium or condo for short, is one home shared with many others in a building or a set of building on a property. For example, you and your family would occupy one condo in the building of 20 condos. Each condo is owned by a different person, and they have the title to that specific unit. Condos are governed by HOA, which means they make decisions on behalf of all owners and the HOA owns the common areas and land around the building. When it comes to maintenance and regulations, the HOA makes those decisions.

Condos are very popular in thriving cities where it is difficult to buy single family homes or vacant land. Many people decide they want to live in a condo or build a set of them for others because of the market and popularity of an area.

One Home Shared

One Home Shared


A townhome is very similar to a condo, but instead it shares one or two walls with other homes. It is best described as a row of attached homes. Townhomes vary in size, but most of the time they are two or three stories tall. Different from a condo, townhome owners own the inside and outside of the house. Owners of townhomes oversee maintenance inside and outside of the home.

Townhomes are more like single family homes because of the structure. Think about the show Full House, when you see the introduction, you see a group of townhomes.

Townhomes in USA

Multi Family Homes

These types of houses contain two or more units. Multi family homes are detached homes with another suite, apartment, or other development. For example, many homes now include what people call an “in-law suite.” This is a separate suite on a lower level or somewhere else attached to the single-family home that people can rent out to afford their home payments. Or people may just want to have an extra place for family and friends to stay when they are visiting!

Multi family homes are becoming more popular these days. People find it convenient to have an extra space in case they need to help family members or if they just want to keep people somewhat separate when they are visiting. It would be nice to have your own space at your in-laws!

Multi Family Homes

Tiny Homes

If you have not heard of a tiny home, we hate to say it, but you may live under a rock. Tiny homes are booming right now. A tiny home is very convenient because it is a small home that is stationary or mobile. Tiny homes range from 100 to around 400 square feet. People find these types of houses efficient. If you are looking to downsize, or maybe you want to live mortgage free, then a tiny home would be great for you.

Tiny Homes in USA


Mobile Homes

A mobile home is what you are thinking, mobile. It can be towed, but it is NOT the same as a recreational vehicle. Mobile homes are made in a factory and then taken to a certain lot and stay there. These types of houses are very inexpensive. You have probably seen a mobile home park where it is basically a neighborhood of mobile homes. The home is owned by one person or a family, but they rent out the lot where it is placed.

People also own property and live on a mobile home on their land. It is easy to confuse these types of houses with manufactured homes, but they are not the same. Manufactured homes are also built in a factory on a steel frame with wheels. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, a factory-built home that was built before June 1976 is considered a mobile home whereas one built after June 1976 is considered a manufactured home.

Mobile Homes in USA


Barndominiums are becoming more popular, especially if you own land. This type of house is what it sounds like, which is, a barn that is converted to a living space either partially or fully. If there is already a barn on the land you purchase, this is definitely an option. These types of houses have a very open floor plan.

Many people with barndominiums have an upstairs home with the downstairs holding farm equipment.

          Own House in USA

These are just a few of the most popular types of houses. There are many other types that you may have seen before. If you are looking for vacant land to have one of these houses on, Discount Lots has some great options for you. If you have already bought your vacant land and you are ready to start developing it, then consider these types of houses as long as zoning laws allow for them.

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